Sunday, 3 May 2015

Summer is Passing Us By.

It's slightly disappointing to be travelling to and from the UK now so often, as obviously this wasn't what we wanted from our move, and our new life. There are of course compensations - one being that I can collect supplies - either DIY type things or grocery supplies. However this latest trip was made by plane and train, so my return perhaps may not have been so eagerly awaited, as my luggage allowance was a lot more limited ! I hope this is not the case (and I know it isn't really !!).

As I have said before, I am always full of anticipation, to see what jobs have been started, and sometimes too, those that have been completed.

While I have been away this time, Craig has started, and is in fact over halfway through, putting the slate on the gable end wall of the bigger extension. You may remember that he has already completed the smaller end, so this is another big step forward.

This bigger end is tough though, as it is so high and exposed to the elements - and Craig isn't a great lover of heights remember !

It's strange to slip back into our routines when I return too. The division of jobs is quite distinct, and the animals and the dog walking fall back to me, as is only right. There are so many things that I can't do, that I know that those things that I can do, must be passed straight back !

A big item on the agenda this time, is of course to buy a new car. The Insurance company paid out, so we can start looking. But where ? We visited a few garages locally, but the price of second hand cars here made this a pointless exercise. The locals here, (and the French in general, I am led to believe), do not hold store for possessions particularly, and do not see them as so much of a status symbol as we Brits do, so they drive their cars until they die. This means that the second hand market is very strong, and the cars hold their value. The difference between the price of a new and a second hand car is very little.

We kept an eye on local Forums to see if there were any cars for sale, and also on the internet auction sites. Finally, we decided that we would have to buy in the UK, which meant that we had to factor the cost of re-registering the car into the equation. Of course, me travelling backwards and forwards meant that I would be available to collect a car on a trip too.

My time here has become very precious. I am not here as much as I would like, and we need to get a lot done while I am here, and we need to spend time together too. Sometimes I feel that visitors 'popping' in intrude on that time, but I am pleased to see them, and it means I can catch up on all the news, as Craig isn't a very good gossip, and forgets to tell me the interesting snippets that I could miss out on. I do appreciate those people who call on Craig while I am away though, as he can get quite lonely. Thank you Guys !

It's high summer, and while we should be enjoying the weather, and each other, instead we are rushing round busy, busy, busy.....materials to be ordered to keep Craig stocked up, food to be bought, cleaning to be done (I like to get the house, washing, ironing up to date, although I know full well, that Craig will keep on top of it. I just FEEL better leaving it all in order !), animal feed to be collected, and paperwork to be completed. All too soon, it's time for me to go back to work - I don't like this - It's hard !

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