Sunday, 4 January 2015

Runaway Sheep - Again !

I'm back - I'm sorry to those who have been following me, for the delay, but sometimes time runs away from us, and sometimes things don't go as expected, but here we are again, and I'm back to November 2013 !

The days draw in suddenly at this time of the year. Once the clocks go back at the end of October, we start to close the curtains at about 5.30/6.00pm, and the long evenings stretch ahead. We try to do something constructive every day, and then feel more positive, but there are days when it is wet, cold and very grey, when we work in the mornings, and then spend a few hours in the afternoon watching a film. We do try to confine these days to a weekend, to give the week more structure, but sometimes in the Winter, they creep into a week day too.

The Commune workers arrived very promptly at the beginning of the month, and did some repair work to the ground where the tractor had skidded and damaged our roof. They laid new drainage, and stones etc. They told us that it had been planned in advance, but the sequence of events seemed strangely convenient to the farmers. It was done though, so I suppose we should be grateful - not to a particularly high standard, and we hope for a more permanent solution at some point, to prevent the water coming into our buildings.

Craig is always busy - he worked on the new wardrobe doors, the surround at the top of the stairs, architrave, sanding, painting - a job gets crossed off the list, and another ten appear !

As the weather deteriorated, we realised that the sheep housing needed to be moved. They had been in the same place for a while, and although we put straw in for them to stand and lie on, as they were in there all night, it was becoming more difficult for me to clean - more muddy, and definitely more slippy. It was easier said than done, to move the shelter though. It was stuck in the ground, and very very heavy. Craig had to partly dismantle it, just to move about 10 or 15 feet ! We also thought it would be good to move the outer fencing to give them some fresh grass..........that was once again the start of several days of chasing the sheep. They are such stupid animals - we gave them an area of fresh grass, and they decided that they wanted a bit more etc etc, and then when one decided that the fence wouldn't keep them in, they all had to sheep ! I'm not going down this path again !!! In the end, we had to move them back to their original more secure area. They are becoming a problem now, and to cap it all, the smallest of the lambs died - what a shame. We had been doing so well.

A friend 'lent' us his ram, to 'service' the remaining sheep. I'm not sure that this was a good idea. I became paranoid that the sheep would escape again, and this time, it would involve an animal that wasn't ours, and we were responsible for it. However, things went reasonably well to start with.

The next problem came, as we needed to 'worm' the sheep, and trim their feet. This meant not only catching them, but flipping them on their backs - at this point, Craig wrenched HIS back, and was stuck in the field in agony ! This meant an enforced rest for Craig, which wasn't such a bad thing, but the sheep were becoming more trouble than they were worth - we needed to think about selling them on.

We went to a lovely Christmas Fayre, and 'Seed Swap' one Sunday afternoon. A very good idea, particularly for those unusual plants that you see, but can never find where to buy. You take seeds/plants/cuttings etc, and leave them for others to take, and take what you want/need, giving a small donation as you see fit. It made a pleasant afternoon out, and a visit that we would definitely repeat.

There are many good days of course - when things go well, and we can be positive....

.......the days when we eat a meal totally created and produced by ourselves..... 

....... the days when we become more comfortable....

...when draughts are excluded. These pictures are taken from the top floor, which until this point was exposed to the roof slates. It was a difficult job, very awkward to complete, as it involved balancing at various points across the gaping hole !

Craig fitted the first of the carpets - in the bathroom - the first room that is very nearly finished. I am not a great lover of carpets in the bathroom, but as the house has little heating at this point, it does keep the room warmer, and we have bath mats etc for stepping on, as we get out of the shower.

The year is ending - let's try to keep it on a positive note.

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